
  • 详情 Benchmark versus Index in Mutual Fund Performance Evaluation
    The adequate evaluation of mutual fund performance and of the fund managers’ ability to add value is an issue to which it has been given special attention in the recent financial literature. One of the traditional evaluation measures most commonly used is Carhart's alpha. However, one of the main problems of the evaluation methods that use the beta of the portfolios as a measure of risk and, therefore, Carhart's alpha is its sensitivity to the definition of the market portfolio. In this work we study the importance of defining the market portfolio using Carhart's alpha for a sample of UK mutual funds, and the influence of this market portfolio in the funds´ excess returns and in the performance ranking classification of the fund sample.
  • 详情 Investment for Management Quality: Domestic and Foreign Institutional Ownership in China
    In this article, we analyse investment preferences of domestic and foreign institutional investors to the management quality of Chinese listed firms. We find that foreign institutional investors hold higher shareholding in firms with greater numbers of executive officers with MBA degrees, having served as vice president or higher prior to joining the firm and sitting on multiple boards. Foreign institutional investors in China also show preference over investee firms with larger board size. However, they pay no attention to whether directors are independent from the firm management and meet often. Domestic institutional investors show preference to all management quality indicators that are associated with foreign institutional ownership. In addition, domestic institutional investors invest more in firms where the executive officers are certified public accountants (CPA) and are longer tenured in their current position. Furthermore, domestic institutional investors pay more attention to corporate governance of investee firms than foreign institutional investors. Finally, we find that domestic institutional investors show a strong preference to firms that have been invested by at least one Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII), even after controlling for QFII’s preference for management quality. This indicates that the QFIIs’ international reputation has been used by domestic institutional investors as a positive signal for investment opportunities.
  • 详情 Market Crowd’s Trading Behaviors, Agreement Prices, and the Implications of Trading Volume (市场群体的交易行为、认同价格以及交易量的内涵)
    It has been long that literature in financial academics focuses mainly on price and return but much less on trading volume. In the past twenty years, it has already linked both price and trading volume to economic fundamentals, and explored the behavioral implications of trading volume such as investor’s attitude toward risks, overconfidence, disagreement, and attention etc. However, what is surprising is how little we really know about trading volume. Here we show that trading volume probability represents the frequency of market crowd’s trading action in terms of behavior analysis, and test two adaptive hypotheses relevant to the volume uncertainty associated with price in China stock market. The empirical work reveals that market crowd trade a stock in efficient adaptation except for simple heuristics, gradually tend to achieve agreement on an outcome or an asset price widely on a trading day, and generate such a stationary equilibrium price very often in interaction and competition among themselves no matter whether it is highly overestimated or underestimated. This suggests that asset prices include not only a fundamental value but also private information, speculative, sentiment, attention, gamble, and entertainment values etc. Moreover, market crowd adapt to gain and loss by trading volume increase or decrease significantly in interaction with environment in any two consecutive trading days. Our results demonstrate how interaction between information and news, the trading action, and return outcomes in the three-term feedback loop produces excessive trading volume which includes various internal and external causes. Finally, we reconcile market dynamics and crowd’s trading behaviors in a unified framework by Shi’s price-volume differential equation in stock market where, we assume, investors derive a liquidity utility expressed in terms of trading wealth which is equal to the sum of a probability weighting utility and a reversal utility in reference to an outcome. JEL Classifications: G12, G02, D83 (长期以来,金融学术领域里的文献只注重价格和收益率,却较少研究交易量。在最近的二十年里,金融学术文献已经开始研究价格和交易量两者与经济基本量之间的相互关系,并且探讨交易量的行为内涵,例如投资者对风险的态度、过度自信、不同观点以及关注程度等等。然而,我们还是对交易量的认识知之甚少。本文根据行为分析,用交易量概率来表示市场群体的交易频率,并且通过我国股市来实证检验涉及交易量与价格之间不确定关系的两种适应性假说。实证结果表明:市场群体在每日交易的时间窗口内除了采用简单的经验法则之外,同时还采用有效的适应性方式来从事股票交易,并且逐步倾向于形成一个结果和认同的资产价格;无论该资产价格是否明显地被高估或低估,市场群体在相互作用和竞争的过程中往往能够形成这样一个稳态的均衡价格。这表明了资产价格不仅包含了基本价值同时还包含了非公开信息、投机、情绪、关注、赌博和娱乐等价值。此外,在任意两个连续交易日之间,市场群体在与市场环境的相互作用过程中,通过交易量的增加或减少来有效地适应盈亏。我们的研究结果说明了在由信息、交易与收益结果三项构成的反馈环中,它们之间的相互作用是如何导致了过度交易的,这其中包含了导致过度交易的各种内外因素。最后,我们假设股票市场中的投资者是通过交易财富来产生流动性效用,它等于概率加权效用与相对于结果为参照系的反转效用之和,从而推导出Shi氏价-量微分方程,将市场动力学行为与群体交易行为协调在一个统一的框架体系。)
  • 详情 Market Crowd's Trading Behaviors, Agreement Prices, and the Implications of Trading Volume (市场群体的交易行为、认同价格以及交易量的内涵)
    It has been long that literature in financial academics focuses mainly on price and return but much less on trading volume. In the past twenty years, it has already linked both price and trading volume to economic fundamentals, and explored the behavioral implications of trading volume such as investor’s attitude toward risks, overconfidence, disagreement, and attention etc. However, what is surprising is how little we really know about trading volume. Here we show that trading volume probability represents the frequency of market crowd’s trading action in terms of behavior analysis, and test two crowd’s trading behavioral hypotheses relevant to the volume uncertainty associated with price in China stock market. The empirical work reveals that market crowd trade in simple heuristics and efficient adaptation, gradually tend to achieve agreement on an outcome or an asset price widely on a trading day, and generate such a stationary equilibrium price very often in interaction among themselves no matter whether it is highly overestimated or underestimated, suggesting that asset prices include not only a fundamental value but also private information, speculative, sentiment, gamble, and entertainment values etc. In addition, market crowd adapt to gain and loss by trading volume increase or decrease significantly in interaction with environment in any two consecutive trading days. Our results demonstrate how interaction between information and news, the trading action, and return outcomes in the three-term feedback loop produces excessive trading volume which includes various internal and external causes. Finally, we reconcile market dynamics and crowd’s trading behaviors in a unified framework by Shi’s price-volume differential equation in stock market where, we assume, investors derive a liquidity utility expressed in terms of trading wealth which is equal to the sum of a probability weighting utility and a reversal utility in reference to an outcome. JEL Classifications: G12, G02, D83 (长期以来,金融学术领域里的文献只注重价格和收益率,却较少研究交易量。在最近的二十年里,金融学术文献已经开始研究价格和交易量两者与经济基本量之间的相互关系,并且探讨交易量的行为内涵,例如投资者对风险的态度、过度自信、不同观点以及关注程度等等。然而,我们还是对交易量的认识知之甚少。本文根据行为分析,用交易量概率来表示市场群体的交易频率,并且通过我国股市来实证检验交易量与价格之间不确定关系中关于群体交易行为的两个基本假说。实证结果表明:市场群体在每日交易的时间窗口内采用简单的经验法则和有效的适应方式来从事交易,并且总是逐步地倾向于形成一个结果和认同的资产价格;无论该资产价格是否明显地被高估或低估,市场群体在相互作用的过程中往往能够形成这样一个稳态的均衡价格,这表明了资产价格不仅包含基本价值同时还包含非公开信息、投机、情绪、赌博和娱乐等价值。此外,在任意两个连续交易日之间,市场群体在与市场环境的相互作用过程中,通过交易量的增加或减少来有效地适应盈亏。我们的研究结果说明了在由信息、交易与收益结果三项构成的反馈环中,它们之间的相互作用是如何导致了过度交易的,这其中包含了导致过度交易的各种内外因素。最后,我们假设股票市场中的投资者是通过交易财富来产生流动性效用,它等于概率加权效用与相对于结果为参照系的反转效用之和,从而推导出Shi氏价-量微分方程,将市场动力学行为与群体交易行为协调在一个统一的框架体系。)
  • 详情 商业银行流动性风险监管的流变及在中国的实践
    本文针对商业银行流动性风险国际监管框架的演变,探讨监管重点与流动性风险变化的互动关系,从而梳理出国际流动性风险监管的目的、手段和发展趋势,进而研究其对我国流动性风险监管实践的影响。 本文从分析商业银行流动性风险的成因入手,指出其根源是银行存款和贷款业务所形成的期限错配,因此这种风险是银行在经营活动中难以避免的。流动性风险区别于银行面临的其他风险的主要表现是其低频率、高损失的特点,这使得银行一旦面临流动性危机的打击就很难在短时间内恢复过来,所以必须引起银行管理层和监管机构的重视。从20世纪90年代起单一的流动性指标监管方法已经逐渐被综合的流动性风险管理体系所取代,但各国之间尚存在较大差异。 本文对次贷危机前美国、英国和东亚各国的流动性风险监管框架作了横向比较。经过比较后发现,在流动性风险监管体系中,存在两种不同的方法,即定性方法和定量方法。前者偏重在制度层面对银行进行指导以提高其流动性风险管理能力,而后者则偏重以硬性指标客观计量和评估流动性风险,两者互有优劣,不可偏废。相对来说,英美国家因为金融制度比较完善、人才水平较高,其监管机构以使用定性方法为主;而东亚各国由于金融发展水平较低,产品结构简单,从业人员水平参差不齐,所以更偏好使用定量方法。 当各国金融监管机构还在为如何在定性方法和定量方法之间进行取舍的时候,美国次贷危机和之后席卷全球的金融危机不期而至,这大大加快了流动性风险管理理念和监管实践的发展速度。作为次贷危机的受害者,本文深入分析了英国北岩银行(Northern Rock plc)的挤兑危机案例,对危机背景、银行的经营特点、事件经过和后续影响都作了较为细致的论述,并指出银行自身流动性风险管理不善是形成危机的主要原因,这表现在不合理的资产负债结构、期限错配、利率缺口以及内部控制的缺失。尽管北岩银行管理层对于流动性危机的发生负有不可推卸的责任,但是监管失败的教训同样发人深省,这间接促成了巴塞尔银行监管委员会(Basel Committee on Banking Supervision,以下简称巴塞尔委员会)制定后危机时代的流动性风险监督管理新框架。 本文回顾了历年巴塞尔委员会制定的流动性风险监管文件,将其大致分为次贷危机前和次贷危机后两大类。本文指出,巴塞尔委员会早期制定的流动性监管框架已经很难适应飞速发展的国际金融形势,面临诸多迫切需要解决的问题,包括融资渠道的变化、资产证券化、复杂金融工具的泛滥、抵押品的广泛应用、支付结算系统和日内流动性需求以及跨境资金流。在这些问题中,很大部分也同样存在于危机前的北岩银行,因此危机的爆发带有某种必然性。巴塞尔委员会在次贷危机后发布的《流动性风险管理和监督稳健原则》和《第三版巴塞尔协议:流动性风险计量、标准和监测的国际框架》奠定了第三版巴塞尔协议下国际流动性风险监管新框架的基石。前者制定的17项流动性风险监管新原则和后者引入的流动性覆盖率(Liquidity Coverage Ratio,简称LCR)和净稳定资金比例(Net Stable Funding Ratio,简称NSFR)两大指标分别从定性方法和定量方法两方面完善了现有的流动性风险监管框架,这也反映了未来国际流动性风险监管的趋势。 正如在本文开篇提到的,流动性风险是银行不可避免的风险,对于中国银行业来说,也不能置身事外。经过分析我国银行业的流动性风险现状,笔者认为我国银行的资产负债结构仍属传统,偏重以存款作为融资来源、以贷款作为盈利来源,因此长期流动性风险不容忽视而短期流动性风险尚属可控。同时,不同类型商业银行的流动性风险来源也有所不同。此外,国内银行的流动性风险管理水平也有待提高。与巴塞尔协议类似,在次贷危机前后,我国的流动性风险监管框架也有了质的飞跃,这主要归功于中国银监会颁布的《中国银行业实施新监管标准的指导意见》、《商业银行流动性风险管理指引》和《商业银行流动性风险管理办法(试行)》(征求意见稿)。这些法规系统性地借鉴巴塞尔委员会的先进经验,辅以本地化的监测工具,从而形成了兼顾定性方法和定量方法的有中国特色的流动性风险监督管理新框架。 本文最后指出,无论是定性方法还是定量方法,在流动性风险监管中都起着举足轻重的作用,两者不可偏废。监管机构在设计流动性风险监管框架并实施现场或非现场监管时,应灵活运用定性方法和定量方法并结合压力情景评估银行的流动性风险,这样才能全面有效地实施流动性风险监管,避免系统性的流动性危机。另外,本文还建议我国监管机构在本地化国际流动性风险监管框架方面做更多尝试。 With respect to the evolution of the international supervision framework for commercial bank’s liquidity risk, this article aims to discuss the interaction between the regulatory focuses and the diversification of liquidity risk, in order to sort out the purposes, approaches and development trends of the international supervision on liquidity risk and their impacts on China’s supervision practice of liquidity risk. In regard to the causes of commercial bank’s liquidity risk, this article points out that the mismatch of maturity between the bank’s deposits and loans is the fundamental reason. Such risk is inevitable when conducting banking business. The features of liquidity risk (i.e. low frequency but extremely severe) distinguish itself from other risks that the bank faces, which hinders the bank from a quick recovery after being stricken by a liquidity crisis. Therefore, both the bank management and the regulators must draw their attentions to it. From 1990s, the monitoring method of single indicator has been gradually replaced with the comprehensive liquidity risk management system. However, there are still big variances between different countries. This article compares the framework for liquidity risk supervision between the United States, the United Kingdom and the East Asian countries prior to the subprime mortgage crisis. It is noted after comparison that there are two different approaches in the liquidity risk supervision system, namely the qualitative approach and the quantitative approach. The former emphasizes improving the bank’s liquidity risk management skill by guiding the bank from governance perspective, while the latter prefers measuring and evaluating the liquidity risk by means of objective indicators. Each of these two approaches has its pros and cons that neither should be overemphasized at the expense of the other. Relatively speaking, the Anglo-American countries prefer qualitative approaches due to their mature financial system as well as professional practitioners. By contrast, East Asian countries rely on quantitative approach because of their under-developing financial system, simple product structure and less experienced practitioners. When the financial regulators in various countries were still wondering whether to adopt the qualitative approach or the quantitative approach, the subprime mortgage crisis occurred in the United States and thereafter became a global financial crisis. This crisis accelerated the development of the management theory and the supervision practice of liquidity risk. This article analyzes the bank run on Northern Rock plc (the Bank) in the United Kingdom, a victim of the subprime mortgage crisis, by elaborating the crisis background, the business features of the Bank, the incident course as well as the subsequent impacts. The major cause of the bank run was the Bank’s own mismanagement of its liquidity risk, which included unbalanced structure of assets and liabilities, maturity mismatch, interest rate gap and ineffective internal control as well. Although the management of the Bank bore the ultimate responsibility for this liquidity crisis, the lesson of the supervision failure was thought-provoking. It also indirectly led to the renewed framework for the post-crisis liquidity risk management and supervision by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (the Basel Committee). This article reviews the historical documents of liquidity risk supervision that were formulated by the Basel Committee and divides them into two categories, i.e. before and after the subprime mortgage crisis. This article points out that the framework for liquidity risk supervision which was established by the Basel Committee at the early stage could no longer meet the rapid development of the international financial environment and faced many problems which need be solved urgently. These problems included the change of financing channels, asset securitization, misapplication of complex financial instruments, extensive use of collaterals, payment-settlement system, demand for intraday liquidity and cross-border cash flow. Northern Rock plc had most of these problems prior to its bank run crisis. Therefore, the crisis was with certain inevitability. After the subprime mortgage crisis, the Basel Committee issued “Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision” and “Basel III: International Framework for Liquidity Risk Measurement, Standards and Monitoring” which laid the foundation of the renewed international framework for the liquidity risk supervision under Basel III. The former defines 17 new principles of liquidity risk supervision whilst the latter introduces two key indicators, i.e. the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR). Both of the two foundational documents improve the existing framework for liquidity risk supervision from qualitative and quantitative aspects respectively. They also reflect the trends of international liquidity risk supervision. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the liquidity risk is inevitable to all banks including the China’s banks. Based on the analysis of the status quo of the Chinese banks’ liquidity risk, the author draws the conclusion that the structures of assets and liabilities of the China’s banks are traditional, i.e. the deposits are the source of financing while the loans are the source of profit. Hence, their long-term liquidity risk cannot be ignored whilst their short-term liquidity risk is still under control. In addition, the liquidity risk management skills of the China’s banks need further improvement. Similar to the Basel Accord, the China Banking Regulatory Commission (the CBRC) promulgated “Guidance Opinions on the Implementation of the New Supervisory Standards of Basel III in China Banking Sector”, “Guidelines on Liquidity Risk Management for Commercial Banks” and “Administrative Measures on Liquidity Risk Management for Commercial Banks (Trial) (Draft for Consultation)” right after the subprime mortgage crisis, which made great improvement in the framework for liquidity risk supervision in China. By referring to the advanced experiences of the Basel Committee, together with the help of the localized monitoring tools, these regulations forms a new framework for liquidity risk management and supervision with Chinese characteristics which takes into account both the qualitative and quantitative approaches. Finally, this article reminds that both the qualitative and quantitative approaches play equally important roles in the field of liquidity risk supervision that neither of them is dispensable. When designing the framework for liquidity risk supervision and conducting the on-site or off-site inspections, the regulators should apply flexibility in the use of qualitative and quantitative approaches and attach importance to the stress scenarios to assess the bank’s liquidity risk. By this means, comprehensive and effective supervision on liquidity risk can be achieved to prevent systemic liquidity crisis. Furthermore, it is suggested that the domestic regulators should make more efforts to localize the international framework for liquidity risk supervision.
  • 详情 The Inter-enterprise Relationship and Tade Credit
    As the information asymmetry and credit rationing are existing, SME are difficult to gain bank credit. Trade credit, as one of substitution, gives another access to SME finance. Based on three years panel data (from 2007 to 2009) of 196 small and medium listed companies, this paper establishes the empirical models and examines the effects between inter-corporate relationship and trade credit. It finds that: the effects between inter-corporate relationship and trade credit seems like "U"; participate in the business associations, especially provincial associations, has positive impact to gain trade credit; good reputation also has positive impact to gain trade credit, but vulnerable to the macroeconomic. The conclusions of this paper are as follows: one corporate should keep proper relations with other corporates; pay attention to participating in the business associations, especially the provincial associations; even the macroeconomic's impact are very important, the corporate should also pay more attention to the repletion assets' maintenance.
  • 详情 Cash versus Stock Dividends: Signalling or Catering
    The Chinese market is characterized by state-controlled and closely held firms as well as significant differences in economic development and legal structures at the provincial level and corporate regulations that require firms seeking external financing to show a history of dividend payment. Using a sample of listed Chinese firms, we investigate the firm’s choice of cash or stock dividends and market reactions to the announcement of these dividend choices. We find that profitable, low leverage, high cash holding, stronger shareholder protection firms, and those firms with state ownership prior to listing and undertaking subsequent equity offerings are more likely to pay dividends and cash dividends, in particular. In addition, we find that growing firms with high levels of retained earnings and investing more in fixed assets pay stock dividends. Firms appear to cater to investor demands in setting dividend policy; hence firms with a large proportion of non-tradable shares are more likely to pay cash dividends. Consistent with the use of stock dividends to attract the attention of analysts, we find that the announcement of a stock dividend initiation is associated with significant positive market reactions and increased analyst following.
  • 详情 Dynamic Stock Market Integration and Financial Crisis: the Case of China, Japan, and Korea
    This study examines the relationships between three Northeast Asian stock markets of China, Japan, and Korea during the period between January 1, 2000 and September 30, 2010, with particular attention placed on the global financial crisis period. The findings of this study are as follows. Firstly, China is influenced more by regional markets rather than the global market. On the other hand, Japan is influenced more by the global market rather than regional markets. Korea has the most balanced level of integration between the regional and global markets. Secondly, a portfolio created through an integrated market in the region would result in a significant decline in the unsystematic risk of each country, benefiting both the investor and local economies. Thirdly, the recent global financial crisis has caused a shift in the pattern of integration in the region. All three countries show a higher level of integration with the global market after the financial crisis. Finally, for China, the global market risk has become even greater than the domestic unsystematic risk since 2010. Overall result suggests that the degree of integration among countries tends to change over time, especially around periods marked by financial crisis and there is a diversification benefit of integrated regional market.
  • 详情 Equity-link Momentum
    This paper mainly finds that there is return predictability across equity-link firms in China’s stock market. By grouping the shareholder firms according to the shocks translated from their equity-link firms, we construct long-short momentum strategy to capture abnormal return of 2.01% per month, which we call “equity-link momentum”. After an array of adjustments based on risky factors and firm characteristics, the excess returns are still significant. However, the significance of equity-link momentum returns are sensitive to various attention proxies, such as firm size, past performance, turn over and mutual funds’ joint holding measurement, which is consistent with the hypothesis of limited attention.
  • 详情 Determinants of Dividend Policy in Chinese Firms: Cash versus Stock Dividends
    The Chinese market is characterized by state-controlled and closely held firms as well as significant differences in economic development and legal structures at the provincial level and corporate regulations that require firms seeking external financing to show a history of dividend payment. Using a sample of listed Chinese firms, we investigate the likelihood of paying dividends, different forms of dividends and market reactions to various dividend announcements. We find that profitable, low leverage, high cash holding, stronger shareholder protection firms, and those firms with state ownership prior to listing and undertaking subsequent equity offerings are more likely to pay dividends and cash dividends, in particular. Firms appear to cater to investor demands in setting dividend policy; hence firms with a large proportion of non-tradable shares are more likely to pay cash dividends. Consistent with the use of stock dividends to attract the attention of analysts, we also find that growing firms with high levels of retained earnings and greater investment in fixed assets pay stock dividends and these firms’ dividend announcements are associated with significant positive market reactions and increased analyst following.