• 详情 Does Corporate Social Responsibility Affect Stock Liquidity? Evidence from China
    This study investigates whether and how corporate social responsibility (CSR) affects stock liquidity. Utilizing panel data from 3,366 Chinese enterprises spanning 2010 to 2021, empirical findings suggest that CSR endeavors facilitate an uplift in stock liquidity. Specifically, a 1% increase in CSR score will improve stock liquidity by 0.128%. The research further reveals that media coverage and corporate operations are crucial channels for CSR to affect stock liquidity, with the former playing a more dominant role. Notably, the bolstering effect of CSR on stock liquidity is amplified during periods of increasing economic policy uncertainty. Heterogeneity analysis reveals that the influence of CSR on stock liquidity is particularly salient in state-owned enterprises. Additionally, different CSR subcategories (shareholder responsibility, employee responsibility, and social responsibility) vary in their effect on stock liquidity. Shareholder and employee responsibilities both enhance stock liquidity, with the impact of shareholder liability being particularly pronounced.
  • 详情 Backing by the Paternalistic Government – The Social Responsibility of the SOE-Held Firms
    Research has argued that state-owned enterprises (SOEs) should bear more social responsibility than other listed firms, because their own goals include maintaining social stability and promoting social welfare. In contrast with the privatization of SOEs observed in other countries, in China, some listed firms’ major shareholders have become SOEs in recent years. This transition offers a good opportunity to investigate the impact of ownership change on firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR). Using the propensity score matching difference-in-differences method, we document that the CSR performance of these firms does not improve when their ownership structure changes, and it can even worsen. Our results remain robust to a series of tests. Further investigating the underlying economic mechanism, we uncover those political connections, bank financing, and government subsidies play critical roles in determining the negative effect of ownership structure change on public firms, which is consistent with the soft budget constraint framework. In an additional analysis, we find that CSR performance is poor for manufacturing industry firms after ownership structure change. After calculating the frequency of keywords appearing in the annual reports of such firms, we find them to be satisfied with their new SOE background after ownership structure change. Our paper provides a possible explanation for the phenomenon of SOEs becoming major shareholder of listed firms.
  • 详情 Employment Effect of Mandatory CSR Disclosure: Evidence from China
    Using staggered exogenous shocks to mandatory CSR disclosure, we examine the effect of mandatory CSR disclosure on employment growth. We find that CSR reporting firms have a higher employment growth following the mandate than non-CSR reporting firms. With respect to potential channels, we document that mandatory CSR disclosure promotes employment growth by improving firms’ CSR performance on employee welfare. In cross-sectional tests, we find that the employment effect is more pronounced for state-owned enterprises, firms in hazardous industries and firms in high-tech industries. We also find that cities most impacted by the mandate exhibit higher aggregate employment growth. While mandatory CSR disclosure promotes employment growth of mandated firms, it has a crowding out effect on employment growth of non-mandated local peer firms. Our paper offers novel evidence on the impact of mandatory CSR disclosure on labor resource allocation.
  • 详情 Personalized Pricing, Network Effects, and Corporate Social Responsibility
    We propose a theory of corporate social responsibility (CSR) by linking it to a firm’s product market. In our model, the firm’s product exhibits network effects whereby its value increases with the number of consumers who purchase it. Moreover, with advancements in technology and big data, the firm can adopt personalized pricing for each consumer. We show that such a firm could use CSR as a commitment device for low product prices, which helps overcome the coordination problem among consumers and increases firm profits, thus supporting the notion of “doing well by doing good.”
  • 详情 Does Disclosing Well Lead to Doing Good?
    Firms in China increase green innovation following a mandate that requires them to regularly disclose their corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. Further analyses show that the CSR disclosure mandate leads to higher media coverage of disclosing firms' environmental issues, and the increase mainly comes from negative environmental news. By contrast, voluntary CSR disclosure does not affect corporate green innovation, and it increases positive but not negative environmental media coverage. These findings suggest that (1) it is the mandatory feature of the mandate, not the act of disclosure, that matters most for the positive effect on corporate green innovation; and (2) the negative media coverage induced by mandatory CSR disclosure plays a disciplinary role and promotes green innovation, while the positive media coverage induced by voluntary CSR disclosure does not.
  • 详情 Can CSR Mitigate Regional Negative Public Sentiment? Evidence from Major Violent Crimes in China
    In the information age, major negative events can spread quickly and affect investor perceptions and decisions. Selecting major violent crime events in China, we investigate the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in mitigating regional negative public sentiment. We find that the firms with better CSR performance have higher stock returns around the event day. We also find that investors react more positively for firms engaging in technical CSR activities (those targeting a firm’s primary stakeholders) than institutional CSR activities (those serving the public). Moreover, the effect is more pronounced for firms with better internal control quality and higher information transparency. Overall, this study documents a positive role of CSR in securing firm value in the face of negative public sentiment.
  • 详情 Corporate Social Responsibility and Goodwill Impairment: Evidence from Charitable Donations of Chinese Listed Companies
    This paper explores the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and timeliness of goodwill impairment. Goodwill is the premium that is paid when a business is acquired. If the value of the business declines, goodwill impairment occurs. Deliberately delaying goodwill impairment (timeliness) is a widespread ethical issue. Based on all the mergers of Chinese listed companies during 2010–2019, we study the motivation of corporate charitable donations when facing the risk of goodwill impairment. Our results suggest that long-term (consistent) charitable donations reflect more altruist social responsibility than short-term (suddenly increased) donations. In particular, firms that make more long-term donations tend to report goodwill impairment timely, while firms making excessive short-term donations are more likely to delay goodwill impairment. Furthermore, we find that short-term donation is motivated not only to cover up the goodwill impairment delay, but also to provide insurance-like protection when delayed impairment is announced. Our results also suggest that moral licensing plays a role in inducing such opportunistic behaviors. To address the endogeneity problem, we use the number of provincial charitable funds and the number of provincial deaths due to natural disasters as instrumental variables for short-term excessive donations.
  • 详情 Leaving a legacy for my children: The one-child policy reform and engagement in CSR among family firms in China
    The reform of China’s one-child policy allows families to have more children and thus may affect anticipation of intergenerational succession of family businesses and drive family firms to improve their corporate social responsibility (CSR). Using a difference-in-differences design, we find that the reform positively affects family firm CSR. We also find that the positive impact is more pronounced for family firms whose owners have fewer children, have no son, and are of reproductive age, which confirms the theory that intergenerational succession anticipation drives family firm CSR. Moreover, we find that the positive impact is more pronounced for firms that operate in environments where CSR is more strategically important. We validate our findings by showing that the reform curtails family firms’ short-termism.
  • 详情 Does Earnings Management Affect Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from China
    Recent financial frauds in China such as Kangmei Pharmaceuticals’ case have raised suspicion in the capital market and among academics about the reliability of accounting information of listed companies, and as a result, various non-financial information that is compulsory or encouraged to be disclosed by regulators and voluntarily disclosed by listed companies is gradually gaining attention from various stakeholders and academics. The corporate social responsibility (CSR) information is one of the most widely disclosed non-financial information by listed firms, but its reliability and motivation are also questionable, for example, is CSR commitment affected by firms’ financial information quality? Using China a-share listed companies that disclosed their corporate social responsibility reports from 2009-2019 as a sample, we investigate whether earnings management can influence corporate social responsibility by analysing the management’s motives embedded in earnings management, in order to further examine whether Chinese listed companies are morally motivated to undertake social responsibility or use social responsibility as a strategic tool to maintain the reputation of the firm and the management. The results of the study show that earnings management and CSR are positively correlated, and the finds continue to be robust when using 2SLS, Heckman two-step regression and propensity score matching to control for reverse causality and self-selection bias, proving that China's listed companies are ethically motivated to fulfil their social responsibility. Therefore, it is important to focus on the quality of earnings information in order to perceive the motivation of CSR when evaluating a company’s CSR commitment.
  • 详情 文化、信任与企业社会责任
    本文考察民族文化多样性与企业社会责任关系。基于各省份不同民族的人口比例,衡量各地区的民族文化多样性,结合润灵环球企业社会责任(CSR)数据,我们发现:第一、民族文化多样性对于 CSR 存在双刃剑效应。在民族文化多样性较低的地区,其显著提升了 CSR 履行效果;而在民族多样性较高的情况下,表现为更高的民族文化多样性降低了 CSR 履行效果。第二、引入族际通婚率作为工具变量,在控制可能的内生性之后,民族文化多样性与 CSR 之间的负向关系依然显著。第三、地区信任程度对于前述关系存在显著的边际影响。随着信任程度的增加,民族文化多样性带来的正效应逐步减弱;地区的语言多样性则在边际上显著加强了民族文化多样性对 CSR 的负向作用。最后,在考虑地区经济发展水平差异并引入汶川地震这一外生冲击之后的企业捐赠数量,我们发现本文结论仍然稳健。