• 详情 Green Credit Policy Incentives and Green Practices in China
    Taking the prevalence of the global green development concept and China's green credit development practice as the background, this paper constructs a theoretical model analysis framework with the incentive policy of green credit as the entry point. First, the impact effect of green credit incentive policy is examined using the BVAR model. The results show that the green credit incentive policy suppresses the output level in the short run through the financing constraint channel, but has a positive contribution to output in the long run due to the adjustment of the production structure and the dynamic adjustment of green investment and R&D. Next, the paper constructs a DSGE model embedded with green credit fiscal and tax incentive policies, which explains the impact mechanisms and comparative effects of fiscal and financial policies driving green credit. The model shows that the re-guarantee policy is the most effective and consensual green credit incentive policy. In terms of the policy combination, the combination of the re-guarantee policy and the income tax policy is the current optimal policy pairing, and its policy is able to produce an amplification effect through the balance sheet channels of commercial banks and enterprises at the same time. In addition, a certain intensity of the above policy combination not only can effectively increase the scale of green credit, but also does not produce significant negative shocks to output and inflation. In summary, the findings of this paper provide a useful reference for the formulation and implementation of green credit incentive policies.
  • 详情 零利率下限约束、供求冲击与中国经济波动
    本文首先通过构建 DSGE 模型,分是否存在零利率下限约束两种情况探讨了供给和需求冲击对于宏观经济波动的影响。结果发现与不存在零利率下限约束的情况相比,当面临零利率下限约束时,由于“费雪效应”的存在会从两方面改变供给和需求冲击对一国产出、消费、劳动、通胀率和实际利率等经济变量波动的影响:一是会改变对一些变量影响的方向,二是从影响的程度来看,零利率下限约束存续的期限越长经济变量波动的幅度也越剧烈。随后我们分析了我国零利率下限约束的特征事实,认为我国自 2004 年以来先后经历了一个受零利率下限约束和不受零利率下限约束的时段,并应用时变参数模型对比分析了上述两个时段内供求冲击下我国产出等经济变量的动态响应轨迹,结果基本证实了上述理论分析的结论。最后,基于本文的分析我们也对当前国内外环境下我国以供给侧改革为主线的宏观经济政策调整提出了相关的政策建议。
  • 详情 房价与家庭债务的“逆周期”
    本文通过构建包含异质性的家庭消费跨期替代弹性的 DSGE 模型,解释了负向 TFP冲击如何引起实际 GDP 增速下行与房价、债务上涨并存的现象,且负向 TFP 冲击的持续性决定了房价、债务是否出现“逆周期”及其规模。本文基于以下逻辑:负向 TFP 冲击导致收入下滑,消费跨期替代弹性异质性使得部分家庭有倾向于减少住房支出去平滑消费,相对地另一部分家庭倾向于增加住房投资,一方面,随着消费恢复住房需求快速回升,实际住房价格由低到高,同时利率下行,财富从储蓄者向借贷炒房者转移,形成住房财富两极分化,这种分化同时强化了储蓄家庭的居住需求和借贷炒房家庭的投资需求;另一方面,金融中介通过吸收部分家庭的储蓄并向另一类家庭放贷,通过利差不断积累净值,更高的净值对应更多的住房贷款,二者共同推动房价的持续上升。冲击的早期,两类家庭提供更多劳动获得可支配收入,劳动意愿上升部分抵消了产出下滑,随着住房价格上升及信贷繁荣,家庭减少劳动时间,实际产出随之下降,形成房价与债务的“逆周期”现象。央行通过盯住利差,或在货币政策规则中引入金融中介杠杆因子等途径干预信贷能够消除房价与家庭债务的“逆周期”现象。最后,从信贷错配的角度出发,房价上涨是预算软约束下财政刺激、不确定性上升引起的“副作用”。
  • 详情 Monetary Policy Transmission with Heterogeneous Banks and Firms: The Case of China
    We document that monetary policy has asymmetric effects on investments by large and small firms in China. Large firms’ investment are highly responsive to monetary expansions, but less affected by monetary contractions. In contrast, small firms’ investments are less responsive to monetary expansions, but significantly affected by monetary contractions. We argue that this asymmetric responses of large and small firms stem from their differential access to credits in a two-tiered banking system. Large firms borrow from the big state-owned banks, which have a strong depositor base, whereas small firms borrow mainly from small banks which does not have a large depositor base and therefore rely heavily on the inter-bank market for financing their loans to small firms. We build a DSGE model with heterogeneous banks, heterogeneous firms, and an inter-bank market that is calibrated to the Chinese data. We show that the model’s quantitative predictions about the effects of monetary policy on large and small firms are consistent with the facts we documented.
  • 详情 经济转型升级与中央银行的多种政策工具研究
    本文构建了一个包含新兴产业和传统产业两类厂商的 DSGE 模 型,并在中央银行部门引入传统货币政策、宏观审慎政策以及三种包含状态转变 的结构性货币政策,分析经济转型升级过程中各种政策工具单独使用或协调搭配 的效果。研究发现,在仅使用一种政策的情况下,与不含状态转变的政策相比,包 含状态转变的政策能更快地熨平经济波动; 在五种政策工具中,再贷款利率政策 最有助于经济稳定,而定向降准政策和宏观审慎政策则可以较好地兼顾经济稳定 和产业升级两个目标。在使用多种政策的情况下,包含状态转变的政策通过适当 组合,可以改善单一政策造成的短期经济波动,从而更好地兼顾多重目标的平衡 和实现社会福利最大化。
  • 详情 Spillover Effects of US Monetary Policy Uncertainty on Chinese Real Economy
    In this paper, we examine the spillover effect of US monetary policy uncertainty (MPU) on China's real economic activities, and study the international transmission mechanisms of MPU shock from the view of financial integration, on both aggregate and firm level. Based on the macro level evidences, we find that an increase in US MPU will depress not only domestic output but also the real economic activities in China. The international spillover effect of US MPU shock will be intensified when international financial markets get more integrated. The firm level evidence based on Chinese listed firms further corroborate the deflationary effect of US MPU shock. Theoretically, we build a two-country New Keynesian DSGE model featuring monetary uncertainty shocks to confirm the empirical evidences.
  • 详情 Monetary Policy Transmission with Heterogeneous Banks and Firms: The Case of China
    We document that monetary policy has asymmetric effects on investments by large and small firms in China. Large firms’ investment are highly responsive to monetary expansions, but less affected by monetary contractions. In contrast, small firms’ investments are less responsive to monetary expansions, but significantly affected by monetary contractions. We argue that this asymmetric responses of large and small firms stem from their differential access to credits in a two-tiered banking system. Large firms borrow from the big state-owned banks, which have a strong depositor base, whereas small firms borrow mainly from small banks which does not have a large depositor base and therefore rely heavily on the inter-bank market for financing their loans to small firms. We build a DSGE model with heterogeneous banks, heterogeneous firms, and an inter-bank market that is calibrated to the Chinese data. We show that the model’s quantitative predictions about the effects of monetary policy on large and small firms are consistent with the facts we documented.
  • 详情 Household Wealth, Borrowing Capacity and Stock Market: a DSGE-VAR Approach
    Based on a DSGE model embedded with a stock market, we inspect interconnection between China's financial markets and macroeconomic cycles. We find consumption, investment and capacity utilization display significant and positive responses to stock market booms triggered by financial and confidence shocks, however, inflation responds insignificantly. We perceive a counteractive and significant reaction of China's monetary policy rule to credit-to-GDP gap at business cycle frequency. We decompose stock price into fundamental value influenced by the financial shock and speculative bubble driven by the confidence shock, and the confidence shock's contribution to stock price fluctuations is estimated to be about 14.8%. Model validation based on the DSGE-VAR framework indicates no serious structural model misspecification.
  • 详情 泰勒规则如何减小经济波动?
  • 详情 “价格粘性”条件下我国金融加速器效应研究
    本文分别研究了“有价格粘性”和“无价格粘性”两种条件下我国金融加速效应的表现, 得到的结论是“价格粘性”和“金融加速器”都是影响我国经济变量冲击结构变化的因素, 但“金融加速器”影响能力远小于“价格粘性”的影响。总的来看在“价格粘性”的假设下, 放大了各个冲击因素对通胀、 利率的 “金融加速器” 效应, 缩小了各个冲击因素对产出的 “金 融加速器”效应,而各个冲击因素对投资和消费的“金融加速器”效应表现不同,有放大, 也有缩小的影响。