• 详情 买断式回购的统一理论
    买断式回购是一种新型的交易和思维方式。不论其标的资产为何,买断式回购可以被理解为基于该标的资产的衍生合约。识别出买断式回购的支付结构就能够应用无套利法则为其定价。我们的分析表明确定买断式回购的约定价格是典型的衍生品定价问题。我们给出了无套利的约定价格必须满足的条件,并模拟了约定价格随保证金率和标的资产波动率的依赖关系;同时,本文的分析框架为考察买断式回购的相关问题提供了一个自然的参照系。利用 本文的框架,我们讨论了买断式回购卖空机制的效果以及履约保证金数额确定等问题。
  • 详情 Investment Bank Reputation and IPO Underpricing
    IPO underpricing has been documented by many empirical papers. A lot of researchers believe this phenomenon is not isolated and happen by accident. Many theories and empirical studies have given some explanations. This paper study IPOs market in UK follow former researcher’s model. According to previous empirical studies, there are negative relation between IPOs underpricing and advisors’ reputation. But after investigating on UK’s IPOs and its underwriter (most are investment bank) during 2004 to present, I can not find strong support for this theories.
  • 详情 Optimal Consumption and Investment with Transaction Costs and Multiple Stocks
    We consider the optimal intertemporal consumption and investment policy of a CARA investor who faces ¯xed and/or proportional transaction costs when trading multiple stocks. We show that when the stock returns are independent, the optimal investment policy in each stock is for the investor to keep the dollar amount invested in the stock between two constant levels and upon reaching one of these thresholds, to trade to the corresponding optimal targets. An extensive analysis of the optimal policy is conducted. This analysis reveals the signi¯cant relevance of transaction costs to the predictability and trading volume literature. We also obtain some seemingly counterintuitive results. For example, conditional on positive investment in a stock, as transaction costs increase, the average amount invested in the stock increases.
  • 详情 VGPI组合保险策略实证研究
  • 详情 对当前人民币升值的几点思考
  • 详情 金融市场价格波动数值预测的思考
  • 详情 股票期望收益率决定因子分析及应用研究
  • 详情 中国资本市场结构矛盾和系统风险分析
  • 详情 银行间市场信用风险管理初探
  • 详情 Are Overconfident Managers Born or Made? Evidence of Self-Attribution Bias from Frequent A
    We explore the source of managerial hubris in mergers and acquisitions by examining the history of deals made by individual acquirers. We find that compared to their first deals, acquirers of second and higher-order deals experience significantly more negative announcement effects. We also find that while acquisition likelihood increases in the performance associated with previous acquisitions, previous positive performance does not curb the negative wealth effects associated with future deals. We interpret these results as consistent with self-attribution bias leading to overconfidence. We also find evidence that the market anticipates future deals based on an acquirer's acquisition history and impounds such anticipation into stock prices.