Listed firms

  • 详情 How Does Digital Transformation Impact Corporate ESG Performance? Empirical Evidence from China
    This study investigates how digital transformation can affect ESG performance within China’s unique environment. Using data from Chinese A-share listed firms from 2009 to 2022, this paper reveals digital transformation can positively affect ESG performance. Within the mechanism, customer concentration plays a medicating effect and organizational structure stability plays a positive moderating effect. Besides, the effect of digital transformation on ESG performance is more pronounced in Chinese western enterprises, non-heavy polluting industries and large-size enterprises. To our knowledge, this paper is one of the pioneering studies that examines the relationship between digital transformation and ESG performance from the perspective of supply chain management.
  • 详情 Does Equity Over-Financing Promote Wealth Management Product Purchases Insights from China's Listed Companies
    As China’s shadow banking sector expands, the impact of listed companies’ involvement in financial stability and the real economy accumulates increasing attention. Despite being a crucial channel for non-financial firms to participate in shadow banking, the literature has given limited consideration to the acquisition of wealth management products (WMPs). Using data from Chinese listed firms between 2007 and 2020, we analyze how excessive equity financing affects companies’ WMP acquisitions. Our findings indicate that over-financing significantly boosts WMP purchases among these firms, particularly in cases of private ownership, raised environmental uncertainty, and strict financing constraints.
  • 详情 Risk-Averse or Altruistic? Board Chairs' Early-Life Experience and Debt Maturity Choices
    This study explores the relationship between board chairs' early-life experience in the Great Chinese Famine and the debt maturity choices made by Chinese listed firms between 2000 and 2017. Our findings indicate that board chairs with famine experience exhibit a propensity towards long-term debt usage. We argue that this finding can be attributed to a risk-averse rather than altruistic orientation among board chairs who have experienced famine. Our results are particularly salient for firms with lower asset redeployability, higher distress risk, no political affiliations, and those that are not stateowned enterprises. Furthermore, this study provides three analyses to support the risk aversion traits: (1) board chairs with disaster experience underestimate their company's profit potential, (2) board chairs located in areas with higher mortality rates exhibit more obvious risk aversion behavior, and (3) extending the debt maturity date, board chairs can effectively increase company investment and mitigate the underinvestment problem.
  • 详情 Do Ecological Concerns of Local Governments Matter? Evidence from Stock Price Crash Risk
    Using the data of Chinese listed firms from 2003-2020, this study applies a System GMM estimation approach to document that high local government ecological concerns increase a firm’s stock price crash risk. This finding remains consistent after addressing endogeneity issues and undergoing robustness checks. This study also reveals that the implementation of the new environmental protection law in 2015 mitigates the relationship between local government ecological concerns and stock price crash risk. Further analyses indicate that stricter environmental regulation and high subsidies, as well as enhanced corporate social responsibility and governance, can effectively alleviate the adverse effect of local government ecological concerns on stock price crash risk. In addition, we note that the influence of local government ecological concerns on stock price crash risk is more significant in the eastern region, heavily polluting industries, and non-SOEs. Lastly, the research identifies two potential channels through which local government ecological concerns can impact stock price crash risk by reducing the quality of information disclosure and intensifying investor disagreement.
  • 详情 Double-Edged Sword: Does Strong Creditor Protection in the Bankruptcy Process Affect Firm Productivity
    Using data from Chinese A-share listed firms from 2015 to 2022, we employ a difference-indifferences model to empirically examine the impact of bankruptcy regimes, marked by the establishment of bankruptcy courts, on firms’ total factor productivity (TFP). The results show a significant decline in TFP among firms in regions following the establishment of bankruptcy courts. This finding remains valid after a series of robustness tests. Mechanism tests reveal that establishing bankruptcy courts increases firms’ risk aversion incentives by endowing creditors with excessive rights. Consequently, firms tend to reduce liabilities, curtail R&D investment, and accumulate liquid assets as coping measures, ultimately contributing to a decline in TFP. Furthermore, this effect is more pronounced for firms with high financial risk. However, the improvement of the market mechanism can alleviate the negative impact of bankruptcy courts excessively strengthening creditor protection. Specifically, when firms are located in regions with weak government intervention and strong financial development, as well as in market environments with low uncertainty and strong competition, this negative impact can be mitigated. These findings provide fresh insights into the dual nature of creditor protection and offer valuable references for governments to improve the bankruptcy legal system.
  • 详情 Foreign Markets vs. Domestic Markets:The Investment Allocations of Chinese Multinational Enterprises (Mnes)
    Using subsidiary-level data of 3,863 Chinese nonfinancial listed firms, we find their capital expenditures increase with foreign sales, and the difference arises from the investments of the firms’ foreign subsidiaries. We show that the foreign sales-foreign investment association becomes more sensitive when the economic policy uncertainty (EPU) increases in the domestic market. However, foreign EPU does not play such a significant role. We provide one possible explanation that due to global diversification, MNEs can hedge foreign EPU using their international subsidiary network, resulting in the overall investments unchanged. However, given China’s tight regulatory capital controls, the MNEs may be less able to hedge the domestic EPU, so that they reallocate investments from the domestic markets to the foreign markets, consistent with the transaction cost assumption underlying the real options theory. Robust tests show that access to foreign capital, profitability and institutional factors have little explanatory power over the MNEs’ foreign investment.
  • 详情 Collateral Shocks and Corporate Financialization: Evidence from China
    This paper examines the impact of collateral shocks on corporate financialization using a sample of Chinese-listed firms from 2008 to 2021. We find a statistically and economically significant positive effect of collateral appreciation on financialization, consistent with profit-chasing motives, even after addressing endogeneity concerns. Additional tests reveal the effects are more pronounced among financially constrained, bank-dependent, and high-agency-cost firms. Financialization also elevates the risktaking and financial risks of firms. Overall, we provide novel evidence that collateral shocks stimulate corporate financialization, with implications for incentives, regulation, and systemic risk monitoring.
  • 详情 Corporate Bond Defaults and Cross-Regional Investment: Evidence from China
    In China, inadequate levels of cross-regional investment represent a challenge. Our study uses the bailout reform initiated in China in 2014 to test whether market-oriented reforms of this type can help stimulate national economic integration. We observed that following a bond default event, nonlocal listed firms tend to establish a higher proportion of subsidiaries in the province where the default occurred. This phenomenon can be attributed to China’s bailout reform signaling a reduction in local protectionism in financial and product markets. Meanwhile, we found that the effects of bond defaults on cross-regional investment are more pronounced under the following conditions: when the impact of the bond default is greater; when the economic and fiscal conditions of the province where default occurs are better; when local protectionism in the home province is higher; and when the degree of asset specificity of the listed firms is lower. Finally, we found that China’s bailout reform has led to positive economic consequences, including reduced operational risks and improved total factor productivity (TFP) of firms. Overall, our paper supplements the literature on bond defaults and cross-regional investment.
  • 详情 Political hierarchy and corporate environmental governance: Evidence from the centralization of the environmental administration in China
    This study documents how the political hierarchy plays a significant role in determining corporate environmental governance. By conducting difference-in-differences analysis to investigate listed firms in China, this study demonstrates that local and central SOEs headquartered in jurisdictions far removed from central government supervision have worse environmental governance than POEs. Verticalization reforms implemented in 2016 enable provincial environmental protection bureaus to direct lower-level bureaus. Local governments cannot control environmental protection bureau leaders for economic development. This study finds that the corporate environmental governance of local SOEs has significantly improved following the reform, as local environmental protection bureaus no longer have conflicts of interest with local governments. However, the reform has not resulted in improvements to corporate environmental governance in central SOEs, whose executives occupy higher status than provincial Environmental Protection Bureau leaders, nor in POEs, which were already managed before the reform. Further evidence indicates that local SOEs experience an increase in abatement investments and relationship building expenses following the reform. Lastly, our study reveals that verticalization reform costs are negligible. Local SOEs have not experienced a decline in financial performance or corporate valuation. This study suggests that policymakers should consider the political ranking of government agencies and enterprises to improve environmental governance.
  • 详情 Board chairperson turnover and financial performance: evidence from Chinese firms
    This study provides the first empirical evidence on the relationship between the chairman of the board of directors (COB) and corporate financial performance. Using a sample of Chinese A listed firms between 2008-2017, we find reliable evidence that the COB turnover improves corporate financial performance. Moreover, the existence of a majority shareholder (Majority) positively influences corporate financial performance, while firm nature (private majority shareholder or public majority shareholder)(Private) may not.