
Free Cash Flow Productivity Among Chinese Listed Companies: a Comparative Study of SOEs and Non-SOEs
认领作者 认领作者管理权限
发布日期:2023年11月30日 上次修订日期:2023年11月30日


This paper investigates the free cash flow productivity of SOEs compared with non-SOEs and examines its possible determinants. We find that SOEs have slightly weak free cash flow productivity but significantly stronger than non-SOEs. Similar performance exists among commercial class I and II SOEs and public-benefit SOEs. Further analyses suggest that firm size, age, sales growth, ownership concentration, government subsidies, and industry monopoly factors cannot explain this phenomenon. The common driver for all types of SOEs to generate stronger free cash flows than nonSOEs is their stronger expense control capability.

Deren Xie; Xuezhi Shi; Jinsong Liu; Ziyang Zhu Free Cash Flow Productivity Among Chinese Listed Companies: a Comparative Study of SOEs and Non-SOEs (2023年11月30日) http://www.cfrn.com.cn/lw/15430.html
