
Minority Shareholder Activism and Corporate Dividend Policy: Evidence from China
认领作者 认领作者管理权限
发布日期:2023年11月09日 上次修订日期:2023年11月09日


Minority shareholder activism (MSA) on online interactive platforms is a new form of corporate governance in China. This paper investigates whether and how dividend-related MSA affects corporate dividend policies. We find listed firms are more likely to pay dividends and raise payout ratios with MSA. Our baseline findings are robust to a variety of robustness checks. We establish a causal relationship between MSA and future dividend payouts, with both instrumental variable approach and PSM-DID approach, and we provide evidence to show the increasing effect of MSA can be explained by exit threat and voting attendance. Our focused MSA complements the formal voting rights of minority shareholders and overcomes the absence of institutional investor monitoring. Overall, our findings suggest that minority shareholders can effectively monitor management when they are empowered with voice in the age of information.

Han Han; Zhibin Wang Minority Shareholder Activism and Corporate Dividend Policy: Evidence from China (2023年11月09日) https://www.cfrn.com.cn/dzqk/detail/15358.html
