

Using a proprietary bank-loan-level dataset, we find a surprising negative relation between loan spreads and minimum wage. We propose a stylized model to explain the relation: banks filter out the low-quality borrowers after the wage shocks, resulting in a separating equilibrium. Our evidence is consistent with the model’s predictions: (1) city-level and firm-level evidence shows that an increase in minimum wage is negatively associated with the likelihood of obtaining bank loans, especially for labor-intensive borrowers, (2) deal-level evidence shows that both the average default rate and loan spreads decrease when minimum wage rises, and (3) subsequently, labor intensive firms that are still able to obtain bank loans when minimum wage rises outperform their peers. Our findings suggest that as more credit resources are allocated to better quality firms and leave other firms far more behind, the existence of such credit reallocation effects can exacerbate the divergence between higher and lower quality firms induced by an increase in minimum wages.

Tse-Chun Lin; Xiaoran Ni; Yuchao Peng Credit Reallocation Effects of the Minimum Wage (2023年11月18日) https://www.cfrn.com.cn/lw/15394.html
