

This study examines the impact of climate-transition risks on trade credits for Chinese listed companies from 2007-2017. We develop an index of county-level climate-transition risks faced by Chinese-listed companies using data on local carbon emissions and carbon sequestration when moving towards net zero carbon emissions. Our two-way fixed effects OLS regression results find that local firms facing greater climate-transition risks significantly reduce their trade credit financing. Specifically, a one standard deviation of increase in Risk leads to a 0.73% decrease in trade credit. This reduction is more pronounced for state-owned enterprises (SOEs), firms operating in less competitive industries, and those headquartered in regions without carbon trading markets. Our main finding is robust to a battery of sensitivity tests including the use of alternative measures and lagged independent variables. Results on an Instrumental Variable (IV) method and a differences-in-difference (DiD) analysis suggest a causal relationship between climate-transition risks on trade credit. Further analyses reveal two plausible channels for the effect: increased financial distress risk and enhanced access to bank credit.

Yongji Zhang; Yushu Zhu; Ningning He; Yiqiong Li Climate Transition Risks and Trade Credit: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms (2024年03月12日) https://www.cfrn.com.cn/lw/15575
