• 详情 Dissecting the Sentiment-Driven Green Premium in China with a Large Language Model
    The general financial theory predicts a carbon premium, as brown stocks bear greater uncertainty under climate transition. However, a contrary green premium has been identified in China, as evidenced by the return spread between green and brown sectors. The aggregated climate transition sentiment, measured from news data using a large language model, explains 12%-33% of the variability in the anomalous alpha. This factor intensifies after China announced its national commitments. The sentiment-driven green premium is attributed to speculative trading by retail investors targeting green “concept stocks.” Additionally, the discussion highlights the advantages of large language models over lexicon-based sentiment analysis.
  • 详情 每轮两年科普:人寿保险常识 自学寿险常识歌诀学案 ——从中文不少于 10%的课时到设计跨学科中国保险教育主题学习的实践
    李左斌是自学寿险常识歌诀学案试验设计创始人。 邓小平理论主张:编写最精教材。 1980 年,中央财政金融学 院(现中央财经大学)率先恢复国际保险专业,标志着我国保险教育 正式拉开帷幕。中国保险业起步晚,基础薄弱,覆盖面不宽,全民保 险意识整体还比较缺乏,保险知识普及程度较低。 1997 年某大夫说:我是医生,我的儿子不需要保险!国民保险知 识如此匮乏,保险意识如此薄弱,觉得保险是奢侈品,视保险为负担, 拒绝保险,必将阻碍并制约中国保险业发展。 中国入世后,面对经济全球化和保险国际化大趋势,中国保险 两大重任:宣传保险知识,提高国民保险意识。人们勇敢迎接外资保 险严峻挑战,把普及保险知识、培养国民保险意识放在首位,人人明 确人生始终存在:生得生存、老得养老、病得治病、残得吃饭、亡得 送终等自然社会风险人为事故,人们只有将这些风险卖给寿险公司, 家庭一旦出险,风险即变金钱;反之,出险即危险。 2006 年 6 月 26 日,《国务院关于保险业改革发展的若干意见》 明确提出,要将保险教育纳入中小学课程,普及保险知识,提高全民 风险和保险意识。 从经济学角度看,保险是对客观存在的未来风险进行转移,把不 确定性损失转变为确定性成本(保费),是风险管理的一种有效手段。 而从社会学角度看,保险体现了人们的互助精神。发达的保险业是社 会进步的重要标志。 1997.7.1 至 2003.9.1,笔者学白居易诗特点,寿险理论实 践结合,竭尽全力完善寿险知识教材,超前编写最精教材《寿险 常识歌诀》:浓缩精华,介绍终身受益、必用寿险常识与技能, 其核心在于实用,使用基础性强,少用术语,具体语言实例,简 洁精练,生动易懂,明白如话,旨在中外人们:一读就懂,一学 就会,学而能用,寿险常识。 中国寿险事业拓荒者,优秀保险代理人,华源保险经纪人李左斌, 超前编写最精教材《人寿保险常识歌诀》发表在香港《教育科学杂 志》(2003 年第四期 63~65 页),献给人们,方便人们背诵掌握 终身受益《寿险常识歌诀》,为普及寿险常识,为保险代理人、保 险经纪人,为全日制、为成人高等教育保险本科专业应试考试取得 优异成绩,做一件实事。 笔者铭记哈佛心理学博士教诲:好成绩必须死记硬背。将保险教 育纳入中小学课程,每轮两年科普:人寿保险常识。自学寿险常识 歌诀学案,具体做法——每周一节,1|10 时间跨学科中国保险教育。 每周一歌,背诵一节,两年科普,寿险常识。(20✘2X2 二 80 节) 每周一人负责:更新抄一节在学校门口、班级黑板报栏目“每 周一歌”《寿险歌诀》。自抄一节《寿险常识歌诀》;自读:回家 自由朗读一节《寿险常识歌诀》至会背;自背:上课齐背一节《寿 险常识歌诀》;查背:师找不会背“一节《寿险常识歌诀》”滥竽 充数南郭先生,并且落实全体背诵;自用默写:课后专用本默写, 主编《寿险常识歌诀》。 2006 年,笔者李左斌福建省自学考试成人高等教育保险本科 专业肄业,填补成人高等教育保险本科专业空白。自编《寿险常识 歌诀》是多快好省学好寿险知识捷径,贵在落实、竞争、乐趣、 思维、习惯, 能事半功倍掌握寿险知识, 致力于让寿险走进千 家万户人们心里!普及保险知识,提高全民风险和保险意识,最终 全民参加人寿保险。
  • 详情 Auditor‐client reciprocity: Evidence from firms’ green innovation and common auditors
    This study investigates whether common auditors have an impact on firms’ green innovation. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms, we find the common auditor ties to firms with green patents are positively related to focal firms’ green innovation. When examining underlying mechanisms behind such effects, we observe that our main findings are more profound for focal firms with more opaque information, communicating with auditors intensively and audited by senior auditors, which indicates information sharing serves as the plausible mechanism. Cross-sectionally, our findings are more remarkable for non-SOEs, firms with lower financial constraints, firms located in regions with environmental courts, local auditors, auditors with green auditing abilities and firms in the same industry. Further analysis suggests that the common auditor ties to firms with green patents can further improve focal firms’ environmental performance and green patent citations, which in turn boosts market share of involved audit firms. Overall, we document that common auditors have a positive spillover regarding green innovation to connected clients through transferring valuable green expertise in a legitimate way.
  • 详情 Creditor protection and asset-debt maturity mismatch: a quasi-natural experiment in China
    Recently, the Chinese Government has strengthened the enforcement of bankruptcy laws to protect creditors’ rights. This study shed light on the effect of creditor protection on asset-debt maturity mismatch by employing a quasi-natural experiment in China. The results show that creditor protection mitigates maturity mismatch, and the effect is more pronounced among financially constrained firms. Results remain robust after the dynamic effects test, placebo test, propensity score matching approach, entropy balancing method, and controlling for COVID-19 shocks. Mechanism tests show that creditor protection decreases the cost of debt and reduces over-investment. The effect of creditor protection is pronounced in private companies, financially independent companies, and companies with secured loans. Creditor rights can alleviate maturity mismatch in firms with medium ownership concentration and managerial ownership levels. Economic consequences studies suggest that creditor protection reduces corporate default risk. This study reveals the mechanism and effect of creditor protection on asset-debt maturity mismatch in emerging markets, providing recommendations to policymakers for assessing and improving bankruptcy law regimes.
  • 详情 Profitability Of Technical Trading Rules in the Chinese Yuan-Based Foreign Exchange Market
    This article presents a comprehensive examination of technical trading rules in the Chinese yuan-based foreign exchange market. The investigation employs daily data spanning seven years for 14 developed and 10 emerging market currencies. The analysis encompasses a vast universe of 41,660 trading rules, representing a significant expansion over the previous studies. The stepwise tests, which was employed to address the data-snooping bias, discover excess profitability in at least half of the developed and emerging currencies, implying the heterogeneous market efficiency across currencies. Our results are robust to sub-sample analysis and different parameter values of the stepwise tests.
  • 详情 Internet tradition and tourism development: A causality analysis on BRI listed economies
    The study aims to explain the economic impact of Internet implication in tourism sector by taking sample of mega project listed countries (which provide big pitch to boost tourism business). Our work find the volatility cause of tourism revenue at country i, by examining the inbound tourist expenditures as a factor of technological infrastructure. We deploy data ranging from 1990 to 2017 and uses error correction model as representative of Autoregressive-Distributed Lag (ARDL) model after addressing diagnostic tests (for data reliability concern). We found long- and short-run association between tourism expenditure and information and communication technology (ICT) proxies in case of developed economies, while only short-run association in underdeveloped countries. The startling scenario about underdeveloped economies are also confirmed by one-way causation in our analysis. After sensitive analysis at each slot, the study concludes that tourism revenue is streaming low across those boundaries where tourists a
  • 详情 Corporate default risk and environmental deterioration: international evidence
    “How does a firm’s bankruptcy affect its regional environment?” is an open empirical question that has received little attention in the literature. We hypothesize that because enterprises provide funds to protect their regional environment, their default risk negatively impacts that environment. We analyze the impact of corporate default risk on environmental deterioration in the international setting to answer this question. Using a firm-level corporate default risk quarterly data from 2013q1 to 2020q4, we find that corporate default risk is positively associated with CO2 emissions and decomposed components. These findings are reliable in low-income and highly uncertain countries but weak in countries having more market competition. We also find that the negative impact of corporate default risk on the environment is more robust in countries with more population density and fewer forest area thresholds. Finally, using the instrumental variable approach, we provide preliminary evidence that firm-level political risk (for US and Canadian firms only) increases corporate default risk, leading to a degrading environment. Our findings are robust to alternative measurements of a firm’s default risk and environmental deterioration. Our research will help environmental authorities to consider corporate default risk as a determinant when formulating environmental-related strategies.
  • 详情 Customer concentration, leverage adjustments, and firm value
    We examine the relationship between customer concentration and capital structure adjustment speed using a sample of US listed firms from 1977 to 2020. We found that the customer-concentrated firms have a lower speed of leverage adjustment. Customer concentration affects leverage adjustment speed mainly through increased cash flow volatility and asset specificity. The negative association is more pronounced in firms with high relationship-specific investments and low switching costs for their customers. Stock market reacts to leverage deviation strongly for firms with concentrated customers. Our findings highlight the vital role of customers as key stakeholders in capital structure decisions.
  • 详情 COVID-19 exposure, financial flexibility, and corporate leverage adjustment
    This study examines how firm-level exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic affects the speed of leverage adjustment among 3260 US-listed firms from 2019q1 to 2022q1. Using a novel measure of COVID-19 exposure, we find that higher exposure significantly reduces the speed at which firms adjust their leverage towards target levels. This effect is more pronounced for financially constrained firms and those operating in competitive markets. We further show that COVID-19 exposure adversely impacts corporate liquidity, default risk, and financial flexibility. Our findings highlight the role of exogenous shocks in shaping corporate financing decisions.
  • 详情 From courtrooms to corporations: The effect of bankruptcy court establishment on firm acquisitions
    We examine the impact of bankruptcy court establishment (BCE) on corporate acquisition activities using hand-collected data of city-level BCE in China from 2008 to 2020. The results show that BCE promotes corporate acquisition activities largely due to mitigated information asymmetry and decreased deal inefficiency. Our results highlight the important role of judiciary reform in corporate acquisition decisions in emerging markets.