• 详情 政府引导基金能否提升产业链韧性? ——基于企业纵向一体化的经验证据
    “完善投融资机制,实施政府与社会资本之间的合作新机制,促进长期资本形成”是中央经济工作会议提出的重点工作内容,也是提升财政资金使用效益与政策效果的重要基础。 然而, 由政府引导并形成长期资本的合作机制能否提升企业的产业链地位与产业链韧性,实现产业链稳定的预期作用尚有待检验。 基于此, 本文通过手工整理的 2010-2022 年我国政 府引导基金投资数据,构建多时点双重差分法探究政府引导基金对投资企业的产业链延展的影响。研究结果表明,政府引导基金会显著提升企业的纵向一体化程度,助力企业的产业链延展与产业链韧性提升。机制分析表明,政府引导基金有助于引导长期资本投资从而强化企业纵向一体化的资源支撑能力。 此外,追求经营规模扩张、提升市场垄断等均会推动企业提 升纵向一体化程度。异质性分析发现,政府引导基金投资对企业一体化的推动作用在政府资源补助较低、供应链风险较高的企业,以及处于金融发展程度较低、产业结构发展程度较低 的地区企业中显著更大。此外,引导基金投资导致的企业纵向整合有助于提升企业供应链管理效率,而对于生产效率的提升则具有一定的滞后作用。 本文的研究丰富了政府与社会资本合作的微观经济效应,为地方“有为政府”如何培育“耐心资本”并引导其服务于微观企业与产业链韧性等提供了政策思考。
  • 详情 中国企业市场力量和劳动收入份额
  • 详情 碳交易体系与跨境并购
  • 详情 Information Asymmetry and Insurers’ Nitpicking Behaviors
    This paper explores the widespread perception of insurers as bad payers, often accused of unjustly rejecting legitimate claims. We explore the mechanisms leading to this negative image by examining the strategic “nitpicking” behaviour of insurers. Such behaviour involves an insurer’s effort to find evidence that can help it cut the indemnities of honest claims. Our findings reveal that this nitpicking behaviour only arises in markets with asymmetric information, where policyholders are unable to observe insurers’ nitpicking strategies. Conversely, in markets with symmetric information, insurers lose the incentive to engage in nitpicking. Moreover, our study highlights that nitpicky behaviour leads to a reduction in welfare and Pareto-inefficiency. This is because nitpicking is essentially an overpriced gam- ble that charges lower premiums from policyholders at a no-loss state, but cuts actual indemnities received by policyholders at a loss state.
  • 详情 贷款市场化定价、 企业融资成本与信贷配置效率
    为深化利率市场化改革, 提高利率传导效率, 推动降低实体经济融资成本, 2019 年 8 月中国人民银行开始推行贷款市场报价利率( Loan Prime Rate, 简称 LPR) 改革。 本文基于 LPR 改革这一准自然实验, 采用连续 DID 等方法探究 LPR 改革对实体经济融资的影响及其机制。 结果表明:第一, LPR 改革显著降低企业的融资成本;第二, LPR 改革提升了信贷配置效率, 高成长性企业贷款可得性显著上升;第三, LPR 改革对不同类型企业的融资成本产生异质性影响, 低风险企业、战略新兴产业企业和非国有企业的融资成本下降相对显著;第四, 微观机制结果验证了, LPR 改革不仅通过传统的竞争性机制推动降低实体经济融资成本, 还会通过利率传导机制与贷款定价机制畅通利率传导过程, 提升中小银行贷款定价能力, 降低实体经济融资成本。
  • 详情 Network through Social Media Connections
    Using text data from Reddit, we construct inter-firm linkages based on shared discussions and common authors on social media. We find that firms linked on social media have similar fundamentals characteristics. The positive predictability of the returns of their Reddit peer stocks on focal stocks’ future returns suggests a sluggish dissemination of information. Our findings show that social media activities capture the collective cognition of the public, effectively reflecting the financial network in an implicit way.
  • 详情 Unlocking Stability: Corporate Site Visits and Information Disclosure
    Corporate site visits provide investors with opportunities to obtain non-standard, tailored "soft" information about the firm. In this study, we investigate the impact of information disclosed from corporate site visits on stock market stability from the perspective of stock return volatility. Our findings suggest that it is the information disclosed rather than the visits themselves that significantly reduce stock return volatility, primarily by mitigating information asymmetry. Moreover, we observe that the volatility-mitigating effect of site visits is more pronounced when the visit information better aligns with investors' concerns and when it is more effectively disseminated. Our study contributes to the literature by demonstrating that the timely disclosure of site visit details serves as a stabilizing mechanism for stock prices through effective information mining and dissemination.
  • 详情 Disagreement on Tail
    We propose a novel measure, DOT, that captures the divergence in investor beliefs about extreme tail events in stock returns. Calculated as the standard deviation of expected probability forecasts from distinct information processing functions and neural network models, DOT exhibits a significant negative relation with future stock returns. A value-weighted (equal-weighted) long-short portfolio based on DOT yields an average monthly return of -1.07% (-0.98%), underscoring its predictive power. This relationship remains robust across various tests and is primarily driven by mispricing, especially in stocks with higher short sale constraints and greater limits to arbitrage.
  • 详情 Financial Shared Service Centers and Corporate Misconduct Evidence from China
    This paper examines the effect of financial shared service centers (FSSCs) on corporate misconduct. Using a sample of Chinese public companies with hand-collected FSSC data, we find that the adoption of FSSCs is negatively associated with the likelihood and frequency of corporate misconduct. The results hold to a battery of robustness tests. Moreover, we show that the negative association between FSSCs and corporate misconduct is more pronounced in firms that have no management equity ownership, disclose internal control weaknesses, and have more subsidiaries. Additional analyses indicate that FSSCs can help mitigate both disclosure-related and nondisclosure-related misconduct.
  • 详情 Testing Euler Equation with Stock Market Data: A Heterogeneous Story
    Testing the household Euler equation with consumption data faces econometric challenges caused by large measurement errors in the data and a short time span. We adopt a framework to test the Euler equation with stock market data to alleviate the measurement error and short time span issues. Utilizing a data-driven group panel data method, we identify a heterogeneous pattern of Euler equation failure among different groups of listed firms. The identified degree of Euler equation failure is significantly related to firm characteristics that are associated with famous stock anomalies. We show that the correlations between the degree of Euler equation failure and firm characteristics provide a new set of stylized facts that can help us distinguish between different economic theories on Euler equation failures and asset pricing anomalies, and identify challenges facing current theories.