• 详情 因子模型能定价期权收益吗?
  • 详情 Short-Selling Cost and Implied Volatility Spreads: Evidence from the Chinese Sse 50etf Options Market
    This paper will partially solve the puzzle of implied volatility spreads from the perspective of short-selling (option-implied borrowing rate). Specifically, we use Chinese SSE 50 ETF options data to examine the relationship between the option-implied volatility spreads and option-implied borrow rate. Using nonparametric regression models, we find that there is a clear negative correlation between the implied volatility spreads and the implied borrowing rate. Furthermore, our results show that there is a significant nonlinearity between these two variables. Finally, it is interesting to note that the option volatility spreads are zero when the option prices include the short selling cost.
  • 详情 Is Chinese option market efficient? Evidence from the first exchange-traded option
    By testing properties implied by one-dimensional diffusion option pricing models, we find that call (put) prices in the Chinese 50ETF option market move in opposite (same) direction with the underlying between 13.39% and 27.89% (between 12.45% and 33.98%) of the time for 5-minute and 1-day sampling intervals respectively. Given fundamental different investor structures in U.S. and China option markets, we also observe some important unique features in the 50ETF option price dynamics. More importantly, we demonstrate that these striking violations reduce substantially in 2016 compared with those in 2015, indicating that Chinese stock option market becomes more efficient.
  • 详情 期权隐含高阶矩的期限结构及收益率可预测性:来自A股期权市场的证据
    本文从含有时变高阶矩的条件资本资产定价模型(CAPM)出发,基于我国上证 50ETF期权数据,检验了期权隐含的风险中性各阶矩的期限结构中是否包含有助于预测市场收益率和波动率的有效信息。采用偏最小二乘回归(PLS)的数据降维方法,我们发现:在 2015 到 2020年样本期内,从 50ETF 期权的隐含方差和高阶矩的期限结构中所提取的因子能显著地样本外预测未来 2 至 8 周的市场收益,且该预测能力在控制了常见的经济预测变量后仍十分显著。并且,从期权隐含方差的期限结构中所提取的因子能样本外预测市场波动。基于上述市场收益率和波动率预测的择时策略可以给投资者带来显著的经济价值。我们的实证分析表明:有别于已有文献中的经济预测变量,50ETF 期权市场可为投资者提供关于市场收益与风险之间短期权衡关系的特有信息。