Listed firms

  • 详情 Functional Subsidies, Selective Subsidies and Corporate Investment Efficiency: Evidence from China
    This paper investigates the varying impact of government subsidies on corporate investment efficiency using micro-level data from Chinese listed firms. Through meticulous compilation of information on government subsidies revealed in financial statements, and the implementation of an innovative categorization methodology based on the nature and timing of funds (ex-ante versus ex-post), we shed light on the divergent effects of these subsidies. Our findings are as follows: (1) Government subsidies enhance corporate investment efficiency, yet their effects exhibit asymmetry by alleviating underinvestment while exacerbating overinvestment. (2) Functional subsidies exert a stronger influence on investment efficiency compared to selective subsidies. Specifically, functional subsidies prove more effective in addressing underinvestment, but also possess a higher likelihood of exacerbating overinvestment. (3) State ownership, firm size and dividend payments lead to heterogeneity in the effects of subsidies. (4) Corporate financial constraints serve as one of the mechanisms through which subsidies affect investment efficiency. This suggests that firms with easier access to financing may not effectively utilize subsidies, while those facing severe financial constraints are less prone to misusing them.
  • 详情 Economic Policy Uncertainty and Corporate ESG Performance
    Using the sample of Chinese A-share listed firms from 2020 to 2021, this study investigates the impact of EPU on corporate ESG performance. We find that EPU improves corporate ESG performance, and the results largely hold after a series of robustness tests. Furthermore, EPU has a significantly positive effect on each dimension of corporate ESG performance (environment, society and governance). In addition, we document that the positive effect of EPU on corporate ESG performance is more pronounced for state-owned firms, and firms with better internal governance, better external governance, and firms that are more financially-constrained. This study provides large-sample empirical evidence for the effect of EPU on corporate ESG performance, which provides implications for management to make use of corporate ESG performance in the face with uncertain economic policy environment.
  • 详情 Does the Market Reward Meeting or Beating Analyst Earnings Forecasts? Empirical Evidence from China
    Purpose – Using a sample of 9,898 firm-year observations from 1,821 unique Chinese listed firms over the period from 2004 to 2019, this study aims to investigate whetherthe marketrewards meeting or beating analyst earnings expectations (MBE). Design/methodology/approach –The authors use an event study methodology to capture marketreactions to MBE. Findings – The authors document a stock return premium for beating analyst forecasts by a wide margin. However,there is no stock return premium forfirms that meet orjust beat analystforecasts, suggesting that the market is skeptical of earnings management by these firms. This market underreaction is more pronounced for firms with weak external monitoring. Further analysis shows that meeting or just beating analyst forecasts is indicative of superior future financial performance. The authors do not find firms using earnings management to meet or just beat analyst forecasts. Research limitations/implications – The authors provide evidence of market underreaction to meeting or just beating analyst forecasts, with the market’s over-skepticism of earnings management being a plausible mechanism for this phenomenon. Practical implications – The findings of this study are informative to researchers, market participants and regulators concerned about the impact of analysts and earnings management and interested in detecting and constraining managers’ earnings management. Originality/value – The authors provide new insights into how the market reacts to MBE by showing that the market appears to focus on using meeting or just beating analyst forecasts as an indicator of earnings management, while it does not detect managed MBE. Meeting or just beating analyst forecasts is commonly used as a proxy for earnings management in the literature. However, the findings suggest that it is a noisy proxy for earnings management.
  • 详情 Do Boards Practice What They Preach on Nonfinancial Disclosure? Evidence from China on Corporate Water Information Disclosures
    Purpose – This study aims to examine whether and how gender diversity on corporate boards is associated with voluntary nonfinancial disclosures, particularly water disclosures. Design/methodology/approach – This study uses corporate water information disclosure data from Chinese listed firms between 2010 and 2018 to conductregression analyses to examine the association between female directors and water information disclosure. Findings – Empirical results show that female directors have a significantly positive association with corporate water information disclosure. Additionally, internal industry water sensitivity of firms moderates this significant relationship. Originality/value – This study determined that female directors can promote not only water disclosure but also positive corporate water performance, reflecting the consistency of words and deeds of female directors in voluntary nonfinancial disclosures.
  • 详情 Bargaining Power and Trade Credit: The Heterogeneous Effect of Credit Contractions
    High-bargaining-power (low-bargaining-power) customer (supplier) firms borrow (lend) more trade credit according to the literature. We study whether this bargaining power effect strengthens or weakens when the credit supply tightens. We construct a Nash bargaining model of trade credit and show that the bargaining power effect weakens if their financing costs increase more than that of the customers. We find support for our theory using a unique database of listed firms in China that discloses firms’ transaction information with important customers and suppliers. Interest-rate sensitive suppliers, proxied by a non-state ownership, a high debt rollover risk, and a high financial constraint index, reduce trade credit to their high-bargaining-power customers during credit contractions.
  • 详情 ESG rating and labor income share: Firm-level evidence
    This study investigates the relationship between ESG (environmental, social, and governance) ratings and labor share at the firm level. Using data from Chinese A-share listed firms from 2011 to 2021, we find a significantly positive relationship between the two. Furthermore, we document that state-owned enterprises do not demonstrate a strong sense of political and social responsibility in their employee recruitment projects, while companies with high ESG ratings in East China could increase their labor share due to less stringent financial constraints. Finally, the employment-creation effect of ESG ratings is one of the important channels for improving labor share. Considering the increasing awareness of ESG concepts and the boom in ESG investing, our findings hold significant relevance for employees, directors, investors, and public policymakers.
  • 详情 Does Analyst Coverage Influence the Effect of Institutional Site Visits on Corporate Innovation? From the Perspective of Information Exploration
    By exploring additional information, both institutional investors’ site visits and analyst coverage can stimulate corporate innovation. However, because analysts are more specialized in information exploration, their existence should weaken the effect of institutional site visits on corporate innovation. By using Chinese listed firms from 2009 to 2013, we investigate the effect of institutional site visits on firms’ innovation output, with a focus on its heterogeneity from analyst coverage. We use patent citation records to accurately measure firms’ innovation output. We find that institutional site visits significantly enhance corporate innovation among firms without analyst coverage, among firms with low analyst coverage, while this effect turns insignificant among firms with high analyst coverage. IV estimations confirm the causality. Additionally, we find that our major results exist only among non-SOEs, firms with a lower quality of information disclosure, firms with lower liquidity, and newly listed firms. Overall, this paper helps better understand the interaction between institutional site visits and analyst coverage regarding information exploration.
  • 详情 Double-edged Sword: Does Strong Creditor Protection in the Bankruptcy Process Affect Firm Productivity
    Using data from Chinese A-share listed firms from 2015 to 2022, a difference-in-differences model is employed to empirically examine the impact of bankruptcy regimes, marked by the establishment of the bankruptcy court, on firms’ total factor productivity (TFP). The results show a significant decline in TFP among firms in regions following the establishment of the bankruptcy court. This result remains valid after a series of robustness tests. Mechanism tests reveal that bankruptcy court heightens firms’ risk aversion by endowing excessive rights to creditors. Consequently, firms tend to downwardly adjust capital structure, curtail innovation investment, and accumulate liquid assets as coping measures, ultimately contributing to a decline in TFP. However, well-developed market mechanisms can alleviate the negative impact of bankruptcy court excessively protecting creditors. Specifically, when firms are located in regions with weak government intervention and strong financial development, as well as in market environments with low uncertainty and strong competition, this negative impact can be mitigated. Moreover, we find that under bankruptcy court operations, while a series of risk reduction measures taken by firms triggers a decline in TFP, it mitigates the risk of financial distress. These findings provide fresh insights into the dual nature of creditor protection and offer valuable references for governments to improve the bankruptcy legal system.
  • 详情 Climate Transition Risks and Trade Credit: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms
    This study examines the impact of climate-transition risks on trade credits for Chinese listed companies from 2007-2017. We develop an index of county-level climate-transition risks faced by Chinese-listed companies using data on local carbon emissions and carbon sequestration when moving towards net zero carbon emissions. Our two-way fixed effects OLS regression results find that local firms facing greater climate-transition risks significantly reduce their trade credit financing. Specifically, a one standard deviation of increase in Risk leads to a 0.73% decrease in trade credit. This reduction is more pronounced for state-owned enterprises (SOEs), firms operating in less competitive industries, and those headquartered in regions without carbon trading markets. Our main finding is robust to a battery of sensitivity tests including the use of alternative measures and lagged independent variables. Results on an Instrumental Variable (IV) method and a differences-in-difference (DiD) analysis suggest a causal relationship between climate-transition risks on trade credit. Further analyses reveal two plausible channels for the effect: increased financial distress risk and enhanced access to bank credit.
  • 详情 State Ownership's Influence and the Contingent Role of Firm Size on Technological Innovation: Exploration and Exploitation in Chinese Firms
    Recent research indicates that the relationship between state ownership, firm size, and technological innovation outcomes in Chinese firms is a complex and intriguing topic. However, we propose a new perspective based on institutional complexity and examine the combined effects of these two factors. By considering the interplay between the economic efficiency rationale and the institutional logic associated with state ownership and firm size within the context of Chinese firms, we argue that the effects of state ownership and firm size can counterbalance each other. In order to test our hypotheses, we analyze a sample of 385 publicly listed firms spanning the period from 2015 to 2019. The findings reveal that while state ownership and firm size individually exert a negative influence on both exploratory and exploitative innovation in Chinese firms, their interaction actually yields a positive impact. This study contributes to our comprehension of how state ownership influences exploratory and exploitative innovation in the presence of competing institutional logics, as well as the contingent effect of firm size.