corporate governance

  • 详情 Cultural Dimensions of Corporate Governance Systems
    In a series of cross-country comparisons, we show that national culture is statistically significant in differentiating countries with different corporate governance systems. Using the Schwartz cultural value model and data on corporate governance systems, we analyze the impact of national culture on six dimensions of corporate governance. Countries that have stronger emphasis on the dimensions of Embeddedness, Hierarchy and Mastery are more likely to have a bank-based system, countries with a stronger emphasis on Autonomy, Egalitarianism and Harmony tend to have market-based systems. The findings suggest several implications for the ongoing debate on convergence and divergence of corporate governance systems.
  • 详情 Payout Policy, Ownership Concentration and Corporate Governance: Evidence from China
    In contrast with the evidence for the US and UK, the percentage of Chinese firms that pay dividends is increasing. We find that the level of dividend payment is positively related to ownership concentration but is negatively related to the percentage of outside directors. We further determine that after paying dividends, these firms issue new equity more often than non-payer while enjoying higher market-to-book ratios. These findings suggest that dividends might substitute for board monitoring for Chinese firms and hence contributes to resolving the conflict of interest between the controlling and minority shareholders.
  • 详情 Does Enhanced Disclosure Really Reduce Agency Costs? Evidence from the Value of Corporate Cash Holdings and Dividends
    In this paper, we examine investors’ valuations of corporate cash hoardings and dividend payout to explicitly isolate the monitoring effect from the information effect of corporate disclosure activity. In a sample of 951 firms from 38 countries, we find that cash resources are rewarded with higher market valuation when greater disclosure improves a firm’s transparency. These results suggest that extensive disclosure enhances external monitoring and thus limits insiders’ ability to accumulate cash to expropriate minority shareholders. In further support of the monitoring effect of strong disclosure, we find that dividend payout is valued at a premium in opaque firms where cash is more vulnerable to consumption of private control benefits. Overall, our findings support the disciplinary role of firm-level disclosure policy in corporate governance mechanisms.
  • 详情 Enterprise Risk Management and Financial Stability in Dual-Board Corporate Governance System
    This study investigates the effectiveness of the dual-board corporate governance mechanism on enterprise risk management and financial stability in emerging markets. Taking into account both market risk and total risk, we find activities of both boards, board of directors and the supervisory board, in these companies affect corporate risk-taking behaviors significantly, but shed light on different aspects. These findings are of interest and counter-intuitive since prior research concludes ineffectiveness of the dual-board system in China. More detailed issues, such as the endogeneity of board activities and characteristics, reciprocal causality between board behaviors and risk-taking issues, effects of political/governmental policies and ownership structure of controlling shareholders on board behaviors, asymmetrical monitoring effects of two boards on companies with various levels of financial risk, and non-linear effects of meeting frequencies of two boards, are addressed to help better understand the corporate governance-enterprise risk management relationship.
  • 详情 Gradualism and the Evolution of the Financial Structure in China
    In this paper we set out to show that China has certain significant specificities in terms of the gradual (i.e. "step by step") approach it has followed in implementing reforms affecting its financial system. This is in contrast with the traditional shock or "big bang" therapy adopted by other emerging or transition countries, on the basis of what is known as the Washington Consensus, which notoriously prescribes the immediate, wholesale introduction of market-oriented systems through large-scale liberalisations and privatizations. Nevertheless, as we will endeavour to demonstrate the process of reform of China's financial system has not prevented problems of financial fragility from arising in the banking sector, and of corporate governance for firms, such as to threaten the very sustainability of growth in the future.
  • 详情 Appointment of Political Top Executives and Subsequent Performance and Corporate Governance: Evidence from China's Listed SOEs
    This paper investigates the replacement and appointment of top executives in a business highly involved by the government and their consequences on firm performance and corporate governance. It provides a dynamic setting to test the value of political connection as prior studies do not discern government interests and incorporate ambiguous institutions and self-selection problems by cross-section test. Using data of China’s listed state-owned enterprises (SOEs), this paper finds that the state owner is more likely to replace top executives and appoint a politically-connected executive when SOEs encounter economic distress such as poor ROA, earnings loss, high financial risk, or political distress such as SEC regulation violation. It implies that the politically-connected executive may be considered helpful by the government in response to firm distress. Further, it is found that the political top executives improve firm performance following their appointments and reduce the frequency of executives’ illegal actions, by initiating modification of internal governance structures and mitigating manager’s discretion. And those firms do not have preferential access to resources or government assistances such as fiscal subsidies, tax benefits, or the credit market. All these findings support that political executives could serve as a disciplinary or monitoring mechanism in a political economy lack of external market for corporate control and legal protection for investors, instead of being only a form of bail-out. Their efficacy is based on their administrative power, regulatory expertise and accountability to the government interests. These results provide better understanding of government interests and their impact on corporate governance.
  • 详情 The Advisory Role of the Board: Evidence from the Implementation of Independent Director System in China
    This paper explores the empirical results of the implementation of an independent director system in China, and identifies the advisory role of the board. The results show that firms implement board independence by adding extra members, instead of removing inside directors, except in the case where the board size (before the recruitment of independent directors) has already been too large. It has been found that complex (large and diversified) firms prefer a large board with more independent directors on the board. However, the largest shareholders have a strong incentive to organise a small and insider-controlled board. Although there is a negative relationship between board size, board independence and firm performance, Tobin’s Q increases in relation to board size and board independence for complex firms.
  • 详情 Improving corporate governance where the State is the controlling block holder: Evidence from China
    We examine changes in market values and accounting returns for a sample of publicly traded Chinese firms around announcements of block-share transfers among government agencies (“State Bureaucrats”), market-oriented State-owned enterprises (“MOSOEs”) and private investors (“Private Entities”). We provide evidence that transfers from State Bureaucrats to Private Entities result in larger increases in market value and accounting returns than transfers to MOSOEs. We also find that CEO turnover occurs more quickly when shares are transferred to Private Entities. Moreover, we find that the changes in firm value and accounting returns as well as the likelihood of CEO turnover are all functions of the incentives and managerial expertise of the new block holder. We conclude that corporate governance can be improved at State-controlled firms by improving the incentives and managerial expertise of controlling block holders, and that this is better accomplished by transferring ownership to private investors rather than by shuffling ownership among State controlled entities.
  • 详情 Related Party Transactions in China before and after the Share Structure Reform
    We study the relationship between firm value and related party transactions (RPTs) in China. We find that firm value (as measured by Tobin’s Q) is negatively related to RPTs but the relation becomes insignificant after controlling for corporate governance characteristics. Following Cheung, Rau and Stouraitis (2006), we use abnormal returns in response to announcements of RPTs as a direct measure of the impact of RPTs on firm value. We observe significantly negative abnormal returns before the Share Structure Reform. After the reform, the abnormal returns become insignificant. The evidence suggests that RPTs are not as detrimental to firm value after the reform as they were before the reform. This is consistent with our hypothesis that the reform increases the takeover pressure from external market and thus moderates controlling shareholders’ propensity to tunnel wealth via RPTs.
  • 详情 A Review of Corporate Governance in China
    The 2005 policy decision to change the status of non-tradable state and non-state shares into tradable A shares ushers in a new era in the stock markets of China. Over time all of these shares will be tradable and potentially transferred to foreign and domestic private sector investors. These changes have the potential to significantly alter the monitoring and control of the majority of listed firms that until now have been controlled by tightly held blockholders of non-tradable shares. It is therefore timely to reassess the corporate governance of Chinese listed firms. This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical corporate governance literature in China.